Archive: February, 2005

1+1+1 issue one

Feb 2005
The first of a series of broad sheet journals featuring one essay, one interview and one artwork, each of which draws on significant current international practice. Issue one featured two projects by Roman Ondák, Lisa Panting on Diemantas Narkevičius, and a ‘Family Tree’ of Czech art by Vít Havránek & Ján Mancuska. Designed by bc/mh. Broadsheet, 8pp, 4pp colour illustrations, ISSN: 1746-6989. Downloads: Texts (pdf) – 1+1+1 issue one Links: BCMN See also: ‘1+1+1’ issue two, May 2005. ‘1+1+1’ issue three, November 2005. ‘1+1+1’ issue four, July 2006.