
Associate Studio Programme 8 : Rhea Dillon

Rhea Dillon blessed the studios on the 16th of November 2022. The works of associates Sam, Priscilla, MJ and Tyler were discussed. Rhea was incredibly generous with her time and energy and questions and was particularly attentive to the language we used to present and talk about our own work. You could tell she was someone who works with text, writing and language in her own practice. She asked very direct questions and also some that seemed out of left field a bit but through the discussion that ensued after (or the lack thereof) you could see where the thinking was coming form or the what the question was leading to. This created quite good spaces for conversation that were both critical and analytical but also casual, funny and expansive. Topics like mass production, the words pretty and beautiful being different when referring to art, world building and narrative in paintings, what ‘on the nose’ meant and a lots of other things. Sam Castro.

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